Take Action

With the River Teign Restoration Project behind us, all of us at TACA are keen to keep up our collective momentum to ensure the best for our rivers and streams. This is where you, the dedicated volunteers can still play a vital role. It is your input, your eyes on the river and your continued raising of issues up and down the catchment that we need.

Please reach out using the form below and raise anything you have seen.

Nothing is too big or too small. Please use what3words to pin-point your observation where possible. We will endeavour to ensure appropriate action is taken and where possible, mobilise to make a difference. All we ask is for your continued input.

Also… for any of the points below, the Environment Agency can be contacted directly.


Call the Environment Agency incident hotline below to report:

  • damage or danger to the natural environment

  • pollution to water or land

  • poaching or illegal fishing

  • dead fish or fish gasping for air

  • rivers blocked by a vehicle or fallen tree causing risk of flooding

  • flooding from any river, stream, canal, natural spring or the sea

  • incidents at Environment Agency-regulated waste sites

  • illegal removals from watercourses

  • unusual changes in river flow

  • collapsed or badly damaged river or canal banks

Incident Hotline

Telephone: 0800 80 70 60