TACA, or the Teign Angling & Conservation Association, is a dedicated organisation focused on the preservation and enhancement of the River Teign and its surrounding habitats.

Our mission centres on the improvement of migratory species environments, facilitating their natural behaviours and ensuring their survival for generations to come.
Through collaborative efforts with local angling associations, trusted partners, and passionate volunteers, TACA actively engages in a variety of initiatives aimed at enhancing the river’s ecosystem. This includes habitat restoration projects, pollution reduction strategies, and educational programmes designed to foster a deeper understanding of river conservation among stakeholders.
TACA embodies a commitment to sustainable angling practices, promoting responsible engagement with our natural resources while ensuring the river’s health and vitality. Our vision is to create a thriving environment that supports both the biodiversity of the River Teign and the angling community that cherishes it.

Together, we strive to secure a flourishing riverine ecosystem for the enjoyment of future generations.
Fish species such as Salmon and Sea Trout have declined in recent times. Many issues face these fish during their extraordinary and complex life cycles. Factors identified by other studies include problems with water quality, warming river temperatures, availability of spawning habitat and physical impediments to their movements within the river catchment both upstream and downstream, such as weirs and blockages.
Unless you're an Angler you are probably unaware of any of this. Why would you be? For the most part, most of what is happening is practically invisible and going on below the surface of the water. By raising awareness of some of the problems facing fish and other wildlife associated with the River we hope to inspire local people living in the catchment to take an interest, volunteer with us and who knows - give Angling a try!?